Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Eve N. Broke

Our valuable player wasn't just Eve N. Meaner, she was Eve N. broke!  Poor Eve broke her leg during practice.  This story was written by Eve N. Meaner herself.  Thank you so much Eve.  We send you our love and healing vibes!!!  

It was just a few minutes before the end of a great practice.  Just one or two more drills before our next game.  I was hit to the outside and was just trying to figure out the best way to stop and turn.  I was already turning to the right but I think muscle memory had me attempting a tomahawk stop and turn to the left.  Clearly those two instincts do not belong together.  

Trust me, putting your right toe stop down, trying to turn to the left, all while off balance and falling backwards makes for a hazardous combination.  I never heard a crack or a pop but I did think, "My leg's not supposed to bend that way," in a bit of a South Park voice.  I kid you not, that's the way I spoke to myself internally. 

 Before long I started dropping the F-bomb, repeatedly.  I hate needles, so the EMTs sprayed something up my nose and away we went on an excruciating ambulance ride. I learned to manage pain with breathing techniques during the birth of my three kids.  Don't get  me wrong.  When ER staff had to put in an IV anyway, morphine was my friend.

My husband and son got to watch as they put me into a semi-sleep for the reduction, the pull and straighten portion of the evening.  I don't remember anything but apparently the F-bombs were revisited, I thought one of the pain creators was enjoying his job a bit too much and...felt, "I am strong.  I am invincible."  My son wrote that one down.
I had surgery the next morning and have been improving ever since the last use of a bed pan.  

The first and only time I cried was when I said to Mae Z. Dukes, an ER tech. by day who visited early the first morning, that I just wanted to finish out this last season, retire #47 on a high note and help out with Fresh Meat or however I can next year.  I'm going to miss hitting and getting hit by these ladies more than anyone not involved in derby can ever know.

Everyone on the team was incredible, holding my leg steady, gathering my things, giving me space to focus on my breathing, preserving my gear as much as possible, contacting my family and driving my car to the hospital.  Visits and messages have been so supportive and I think, every day, how lucky I am to have such an incredible extended family.

Derby <3
Eve N. Meaner

You can like Eve N. Meaner's Face book page here. 

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