Friday, August 15, 2014

Officials' Review: When In Rome

During recruitment events we talk to prospective members about officiating: what we do as Refs and NSOs, how we practice, and how we are involved in derby beyond POD’s home and away games. To that last point, we mention the games we have worked with other leagues and the derby events in the area that we have attended, like WoRD’s All 8 Tournament and Bruised Boutique’s Northeast Derby Convention.

This weekend I will be working, as a Crew Head NSO and Penalty Tracker, at the Quadfathers’
MHVC Officials 2013 by Hispanic Attack
Mohawk Valley Cup in Rome, NY. Last year I worked MHVC as a Jam Timer, it was a great experience; hanging out with old and new friends and being a part of some intense games of derby. This year’s tournament is shaping up to be even more exciting, so I have dusted off my old twitter account @ducknshover so you can tag along.

The Quadfathers will have updates on scores and big plays from the weekend. I will be posting nuggets and images focusing more on the experience of the tournament from the officials side. Next week I will have a bonus wrap up post, so if you have any thoughts or questions about the tournament experience tweet them @ducknshover or you can leave them in the comments below.

Duck N. Shover - POD’s Head of Officials & Interleague Liaison

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